
UPSC Civil Services Exam

UPSC is a Constitutional Recruiting Agency, conducts Civil Services Exam annually, apart from 11 [Eleven] other exams, for Group A and Group B Services of Government of India, such as IAS, IPS, IRS. The Civil Services Exam consists of 3 [Three] Stages, namely (1) Prelims, (2) Mains and (3) Interview. Stage I consists of Prelims having 2 [Two] papers in Multiple Choice Questions, namely (1) General Studies and (2) Civil Services Aptitude Test(CSAT) (qualifying paper). Stage II consists of Mains having 9 [Nine] Papers, in descriptive type, namely (1) English (qualifying paper), (2) One out of 22 Regional Languages (qualifying paper), (3) Essay Paper, (4 to 7) 4 papers of General Studies and (8 to 9) 2 papers of Optional Subjects. Stage III consists of Interview, which is a Personality Test.

Advantage of Sanskrit as an Optional Paper

The Scheme of UPSC Civil Services Exam offers 48 Optional Subjects, while none opted for 6 Subjects and 42 Subjects were opted, during the last 10 years. The Annual Reports released by UPSC reveals that the 10 Years’ Average Success Rate for 42 Subjects is 8.05%, having The Success Rate of (1) 8.81% for 16 Specialized Subjects (2) 9.23% for 17 Languages and (3) 7.69% for 9 General Subjects. The Success Rate for Sanskrit is 8.23%, which is higher than the Average Success Rate of Total Subjects [8.05%] and the General Subjects [7.69%]; and slightly lower than the Specialized Subjects [8.81%].

A group of young people study together in a library, surrounded by bookshelves.