
Dhruv School of Civils [DSC]

DSC is the first Indian Educational Institute to impart Education for BA (Hons.) (Civil Services Studies), in tune with the Nationa Educational Policy 2020 [NEP 2020], National Credit Framework [NCrF] and National Higher Education Qualifications Framework INHEQF], at its Campus, 

The student of BA (Hons.) (Civil Services Studies) will undergo rigorous education for 6,000+ hours including classroom instructions of 3,000+ hours, during 8-Semesters in 4-Years, enabling to get thro’ UPSC Civil Services Exam. The student, on successful completion, will be awarded with BA (Hons.) (Sanskrit & Civil Services Studies) by CSU. The BA (Hons.) Graduate can be admitted into 1-Year Master’s Programs of (1) Sanskrit, (2) History, (3) Economics, (4) Polity and (5) Geography; and can directly be admitted into the Doctoral Program of (1) Sanskrit, (2) History, (3) Economics, (4) Polity and (5) Geography; if Research course is opted for in 8th Semester of BA (Hons.) Program.